This is a photographic record of walks I have taken in the five boroughs -- posted in rough chronological order.

I'll skip around from borough to borough as the mood strikes me. I'll add captions and occasionally a brief
commentary but, for the most part, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves



I'll return to Manhattan in a few months, but now I want to spend some time in Queens -- specifically that part traversed by the number 7 elevated line. This is where I lived and played during my high school and college years: Long Island City, Elmhurst, Sunnyside, Jackson Heights, Flushing.

Now it's another continent. The # 7 line is basic transportation for each new wave of immigrants, mostly from Asia and Latin America, who populate this borough, and for yuppies, artists and others who can no longer afford Manhattan. (September 2007)

5-Points, Long Island City

In time for Halloween

One wonders how they do it

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