This is a photographic record of walks I have taken in the five boroughs -- posted in rough chronological order.

I'll skip around from borough to borough as the mood strikes me. I'll add captions and occasionally a brief
commentary but, for the most part, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves


July 8, Staten Island

While others continue to deliberate on the shape, form and character of the World Trade Center memorial, Staten Island residents created their "Angels' Circle" memorial on a vacant lot on Hyland Blvd.

The text at the bottom of the angel statue in the background reads:
On Sept 11 2001 the World Trade Center was attacked by terrorists. This attack was the worst murder in the history of the United States. From that hatred a little piece of heaven evolved here called "Angels' Circle"

The best part of going to Staten Island is coming back on the ferry. Where else can you get a free thirty minute boat ride with great views of an ever changing New York City harbor? Unfortunately it was a hazy day and the pictures were not that crisp. Here's one of a New York City summer folly, the most ridiculous "art" I've seen in a long time -- one of four "waterfalls" put up this summer for the tourists.

The interesting sights are endless, like the Queen Mary 2 docked just behind the dreary brick buildings on Governor's Island.

And now the Queen Mary 2 in full view. What a way to travel!

But this trip was free


1 comment:

Diane said...

Hi Bob!

Thanks for visiting, glad you liked the sunflower photo. I have to agree with you about the waterfalls, they were a bit odd, but we did enjoy the 1/2 hour Circle Line ride around the East River with all the views of the NYC area. The Staten Is Ferry is also an enjoyable ride. Hope you're having a great summer!