Times Square, August 19.
It was a warm evening, thousands were milling around, a friendly crowd giving off a lot of positive energy: two couples, tourist from Germany and Scandinavia asked me to take their pictures with their digital point and shoot. A Latino mother thrust a disposable camera in my hand and, with gestures and a smile, asked me to photograph her and her little boy. I struck up a conversation with two young cops who seemed to be having a good time while making their presence felt. And a guy handing out circulars for two comedy clubs spent a few minutes talking with me. I wonder how many people besides me took notice of the day's headline news?
LOVE your images Robert! Consistent grand tones and excellent details! I found you through Ted Roth - I'm glad I did and I will be back!
Jerry in Tampa
Thank you for your comments and also for allowing me to see a Tampa I missed on my last visit there.
Hi Bob,
I think I've already seen most of these, but I must compliment you on the signature image. Besides being a sensationl photo, it is absolutely perfect for you.
Do you know any of Schubert's "Wanderer" songs?
Love the decision to use your "Late Shoppers" photo as your new header!
amusement and irony go so well, hand-in-hand, don't they?
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