This is a photographic record of walks I have taken in the five boroughs -- posted in rough chronological order.

I'll skip around from borough to borough as the mood strikes me. I'll add captions and occasionally a brief
commentary but, for the most part, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves


Highland, NY

December 21

For a change of pace I decided to take the Nikon to a nearby town.  Highland must have been a charming upstate town before it became bisected and, to my mind, destroyed by 9W.  Nonetheless it has some lovely houses and and a few quaint shops, so that even on a bleak overcast day I thought I might get a photo or two. Not my usual thing,  but perhaps the beginning of more frequent photo graphic forays to the land of flags, and churches. There were also some interesting local characters but they are camera shy to the likes of me. Perhaps next time.


One minute to 12

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