This is a photographic record of walks I have taken in the five boroughs -- posted in rough chronological order.

I'll skip around from borough to borough as the mood strikes me. I'll add captions and occasionally a brief
commentary but, for the most part, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves


June 16. Today I revisited Inwood Hill Park

I spent a couple of hours working hard taking pictures of various birds, including a Great Egret and the most numerous residents, of course: Canada Geese. But none of the photos pleased me at the time. Then, as I was about to leave, I saw some bird tracks in the mud just as the tide was coming back in and I snapped two quick shots. I like one of those two the best. There is a lesson there.

Bird tracks and reflections

Great Egret (Ardea alba) diving for fish

Great Egret gets the fish

Since last October our old friend the Muscovy duck
seems to have gotten himself a new family.

Next generation: born, bred and grass fed in Manhattan.

Canada Geese caught in the wake of the Circle Line boat.


1 comment:

Jerry in Tampa said...

EXCELLENT images throughout! AWESOME!!!
Glad I found you - and I will be back!

Jerry in Tampa